14 Mar 2017

Daily news digest

1. 3 people were injured during the armed incident in Jrarat village. 2. The Court obliged SOS TV host to deliver public apology to the policemen.The ruling will be appealed. 3. Mashalian will not run for elections of Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople...

1. 3 people were injured during the armed incident in Jrarat village.
2. The Court obliged SOS TV host to deliver public apology to the policemen.The ruling will be appealed.
3. Mashalian will not run for elections of Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople.
4. A large amount of illegal drug turnover has been revealed. 7 people have been charged.
5. A woman from Vanadzor has been fined 700.000 AMD for impeding journalist’s work.
6. The recycling companies paid off 740.4 million AMD debt.
7. Paradiplomacy.tv and Armenian-language media platform in Georgia Aliq Media
will hold joint projects hereinafter.
8. A large tourist flow is expected to Armenia during Nowruz holidays.
9. In the next 3 days precipitation is expected. Air temperature will drop.