15 Mar 2017

Medicine in the media

On news websites, we can often find medical articles with very controversial statements. Such articles, as a rule, are translated from Russian sites.

On news websites, we can often find medical articles with very controversial statements. Such articles, as a rule, are translated from Russian sites. For example, in the headline of one of these, it is written that cancer is not a disease, but a business, a lack of vitamin B-17. Sources of similar articles are not specified or a website with an unknown and strange name is mentioned.
The content of the article is even more strange than the title. It declares with full responsibility that it is enough to eat 15-20 apricot kernels per day, and you can recover from cancer and continue if you often eat beans and peas, you can forget about doctors. If a reader, believing such materials, does not consult a doctor, he will be at risk.