18 Jul 2017

Urartu or the mystery of the supreme God of the Ararat kingdom

Ancient world. The world, enveloped in a veil of mystery and simultaneously the period of the birth of the great civilizations: Sumer and Akkad, Egypt and Babylon, India and China. Scrupulously studying the history of these states, we are becoming increasingly convinced that the more information we have, the more questions arise.

Ancient world. The world, enveloped in a veil of mystery and simultaneously the period of the birth of the great civilizations: Sumer and Akkad, Egypt and Babylon, India and China. Scrupulously studying the history of these states, we are becoming increasingly convinced that the more information we have, the more questions arise.

The latest archaeological finds show that civilization is much older than previously assumed. If the oldest Sumerian culture arose 5-6 thousand years ago, then in the northern Mesopotamia the cities date back to the 12th millennium BC. For example, the newly discovered culture in "Göbekli Tepe" in historical Western Armenia.

Geographically located in the northern Mesopotamia, the kingdom of Urartu remains an unsolved mystery for historians. Neither the language, nor the origin of the ethnos, nor even the name of the state is deciphered for certain... But Urartu in its culture has many similarities with the first civilizations of Sumer and Akkad. For example, in the pantheon of gods, rituals, architecture.