15 Nov 2017


Which antivirus to use and which one to avoid? Media expert Samvel Martirosyan does not name antiviruses, instead he tells us what to do, when to use an antivirus and how to avoid viruses.


Which antivirus to use and which one to avoid? Media expert Samvel Martirosyan does not name antiviruses, instead he tells us what to do, when to use an antivirus and how to avoid viruses.

"When should we use an antivirus? -asks Martirosyan and then adds: when using the Windows operating system. But if you use Linux, you will not even remember about antivirus”, - says the expert.

Which are the viruses that are not detected by antivirus? what else except antiviruses should be used to avoid viruses? These and other details about viruses and antiviruses in the program "Medialiteracy".