08 Apr 2017

Orientalist Armen Petrosyan: Assad and Trump's actions are a violation of the norms of international law

The Syrian conflict is a chain of various cycles. With this strikes on Syrian military structures, a new cycle is beginning.


Today the situation in Syria is changing. The latest actions by the United States are creating a new scenario in the Syrian conflict. Such an assessment is made by the orientalist Armen Petrosyan while speaking about the possible consequences of the US-led strikes on the Syrian military airfield. Orientalist also clarifies this has been the second attack by the United States. The first airstrike has been carried out by mistake, while this one is specially targeted. “The Syrian conflict is a chain of various cycles. With this strikes towards Syrian military structures, a new cycle is beginning,” Armen Petrosyan says.

After all, what “message” did the United States send with these strikes? In response to the question, orientalist emphasizes, to predict the future we should view the issue in various aspects. «This is, first of all, a warning blow to the Syrian government of using chemical weapons, although the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime is not proven”, he stresses.

Petrosyan believes that both US and Syria’s actions are a violation of the norms of international law. “If we judge Assad and Trump’s actions then, in fact, both have violated the norms of international law. Assad's role is more stable since his guilt has not been proven while Trump disregarding this all has committed aggressive acts against the sovereign state,” the expert explains.

Were Trump’s actions aimed to Russia as well? The answers to this and other questions in the program “Paradigm”.