21 Jun 2017

Anush Sedrakyan: It is high time the Armenian authorities got a harsh assessment of Europe

European money is aimed not at destruction, but improving corruption mechanisms.


It is high time the Armenian authorities got a harsh assessment of Europe. Political analyst Anush Sedrakyan, referring to criticism of the head of the EU delegation to Armenia Swatalsky about the electoral system, stresses that it is the first time Europe is so outraged. “When the disgrace of the electoral process becomes obvious when it becomes clear how European credits and grants turn into dust, and Armenia does not even try to resist the Russian policy, then comes the moment when Europe needs to resent,” the political analyst notes.

According to Anush Sedrakyan, before and after September 3, 2013 Armenia plays the same game with Europe. “We say that we indeed want to integrate into Europe, for this, we need an independent court, an independent police, so give us loans. Europe provides grants, after which the next stage of lies and evasion of Europe begins. And they already understand that European money is aimed not at destruction, but improving corruption mechanisms,” the political scientist stresses.