07 Jul 2017

By the end of the year, traffic of all squares will be the same. Traffic Police Engineer

By the end of the year, traffic of all squares will be the same. Traffic Police Engineer


In accordance with the law, when changes are made to the traffic organization, drivers are not fined for a while, they only receive a warning. The traffic police engineer Levon Melikyan adds that all these changes are made to avoid “traffic jams”.
According to Levon Melikyan, the changes of the organization of roundabouts have simplified the ride and the result is obvious. “By the end of the year, the traffic of all squares will be the same. Cars on the roundabouts of the square will have privilege,” the engineer clarifies.

Changes are also planned on Komitas Avenue. For the unloading the traffic of Komitas Avenue, it is planned to add a fourth lane, as well as other changes to the traffic organization. The details of the conversation in the program “Questioning the Powerholder”.