14 Mar 2018

"Red Herring", "Overton Window": The art of critical thinking in the opinion of Gevorg Ter-Gabrielyan.

Through the text you are not just trying to convey information to a person, but want to control him.


Art of thinking or critical thinking. How to learn critical thinking? What is actually critical thinking? The director of the Eurasia Partnership Foundation Gevorg Ter-Gabrielyan explains:  "Thinking is not what the scientists consider it to be. Thinking is not a psychological activity, thinking itself is a certain process within certain rules. What is behind these rules - is just a psychological stream, not thinking",- explains Ter-Gabrielyan.

According to the director, participants of the training course "Critical Thinking" are taught to see "power"- "power" behind the texts, "power" behind social processes. Through the text, you are not just trying to convey information to a person, but want to control him and make him do something  that he would not have done under other circumstances, - says Ter-Gabrielyan.

After all, what is the "power"?  Find the details in the program "Paradigm".